FMP Research – Alphonse Much


Alphonse Mucha was a Czech Art Nouveau painter and decorative artist. I’ve chosen to look at him based on his style of illustration and his work on Art Nouveau style posters. He is one of the most well known artists of the Art Nouveau period. I have chosen his work, as it is mostly images of the female form. I intend to photograph similar poses inspired by his work.


I think the most difficult part of producing images like this will be getting the hair to flow in a similar manner. I will experiment and see what I can get using the hair drier and leaf blower, from photographs I have seen using the leaf blower to create flowing hair I feel it might be too powerful to produce the imagery I want however I feel the hair drier will be too weak.

I also like the idea and challenge of producing the intricate backgrounds found in his artwork. It might be worth looking at the colours found in his work more, focusing on autumn and summer pallets. This aspect could be interesting as I could focus more on the seasonal aspect and look at producing my photographs with different temperatures. I would however do this using Lightroom as changing it in camera for every photograph would take too long.

I feel that looking at Mucha’s work will make for an interesting starting point for my project and will continue to inspire me throughout it.

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